Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Reporting Server Report

How to pull reporting server reports?

I was once asked to collect all reports information from reporting servers.

And this is how I came up with.


select c.Name as ReportName, d.name as DataSourceName, convert(nvarchar(10), max(e.timestart), 101) as LastAccessed, c.Path, COUNT(e.timestart) as TotalNum, c.Hidden
--when c.Type = 1 then 'Folder'
--when c.type = 2 then 'Report'
--when c.Type = 3 then 'Resources'
--when c.Type = 4 then 'Linked Report'
--when c.Type = 5 then 'Data Source'
--when c.Type = 6 then 'Report Model'
--when c.Type = 7 then 'Report Part'
--when c.Type = 8 then 'Shared Dataset'
--end) as ReportType
from Catalog c
left join
DataSource d
on c.ItemID = d.ItemID
left join
ExecutionLog e
on c.ItemID = e.ReportID
where c.type = 2
group by c.Name, d.Name, c.Path, c.Hidden--, c.Type
order by c.path, c.Name

*Problem with this query is that it's not actually pulling DataSourceName correctly sometimes.

If someone creates a report and that report doesn't have the same DataSourceName as on the server, the query above will pull 'DataSource1' as a DataSourceName.

So I had to pull all DataSourceName from reporting server and use the next query and put them into Excel to get the right DataSourceName.

This query will parse XML and give Connection string.
;WITH XMLNAMESPACES  -- XML namespace def must be the first in with clause. 
    (DEFAULT 'http://schemas.microsoft.com/sqlserver/reporting/2006/03/reportdatasource' 
     AS rd) 
    (SELECT SDS.name AS SharedDsName 
           ,CONVERT(xml, CONVERT(varbinary(max), content)) AS DEF 
     FROM dbo.[Catalog] AS SDS 
     WHERE SDS.Type = 5)     -- 5 = Shared Datasource 

    (SELECT SDS.[Path] 
           ,DSN.value('ConnectString[1]', 'varchar(150)') AS ConnString 
     FROM SDS 
          CROSS APPLY  
          SDS.DEF.nodes('/DataSourceDefinition') AS R(DSN)
     ) AS CON 
-- Optional filter: 
-- WHERE CON.ConnString LIKE '%Initial Catalog%=%TFS%' 

I googled and found this from Olaf Helper


According to Microsoft, they 'do not document or support querying any Report Catalog tables'

You can check this forum.

or here's a simpler version

  c.name ReportName,
  d.name DataSource,
  c2.Name SharedDataSourceName,
  c.Path ReportPath,
  c2.Path DataSourcePath,
  convert(nvarchar(10), max(e.timestart), 101) as LastAccessed,
  COUNT(e.timestart) as TotalNum, c.Hidden
Catalog c
left join DataSource d
on c.ItemID = d.ItemID
left join Catalog c2
on d.Link = c2.ItemID
left join
ExecutionLog e
on c.ItemID = e.ReportID
where c.Type = 2 and c.Path not like '%BackUp%' and c.Name not like '%old%' --and c.Name like '%Sub%'-- and e.TimeStart > '6/1/2012'
group by c.Name, d.name, c2.Name, c.Path, c.Hidden, c2.Path
order by c2.Path, c.Path

or this

    DS.Name AS DatasourceName,
    C.Name AS DependentItemName,
    C.Path AS DependentItemPath,
    COUNT(EL.timestart) as AccessedSinceJune2012
    ReportServer.dbo.Catalog AS C
        INNER JOIN
    ReportServer.dbo.Users AS CU
        ON C.CreatedByID = CU.UserID
        INNER JOIN
    ReportServer.dbo.Users AS MU
        ON C.ModifiedByID = MU.UserID
    ReportServer.dbo.SecData AS SD
        ON C.PolicyID = SD.PolicyID AND SD.AuthType = 1
        INNER JOIN
    ReportServer.dbo.DataSource AS DS
        ON C.ItemID = DS.ItemID
        LEFT JOIN
    ReportServer.dbo.ExecutionLog AS EL
ON C.ItemID = EL.ReportID
    DS.Name IS NOT NULL and c.Name not like '%old%' and c.Name not like '%test' and c.path not like '%BackUp%' and EL.TimeStart > '6/1/2012'
DS.Name, C.Name, C.Path

*I just added executionlog in order to get how many times it was accessed

Original post is from here
< http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9638431/listing-all-data-sources-and-their-dependencies-reports-items-etc-in-sql-ser>

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