There are many ways to calculate dates.
Here are some useful date calculations.
Thank you all who created and posted each one of these on their websites or blogs.
--Monday (current week):
=DateAdd("d", -(WeekDay(Today(),2))+1, Today())
--Next Monday:
=DateAdd("d", 7-(WeekDay(Today(),2))+1, Today())
--First day of month:
--First day of next month:
--First day of year:
So based on these expressions we can change Today()'s value and numbers to calculate other days.
For instance,
--using a parameter value
=DateAdd("d", -(WeekDay(Parameters!Parameter1.Value,2))+1, Parameters!Parameter1.Value)
--First day of next year:
--Last Day of previous week(Sunday)
=DateAdd("d", 1-Weekday(today),Today)
and so on....
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